Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Enron Elite Meet the Street

So Ole Jeffrey Skilling and Kenny-boy Lay couldn't put one over on the jury. I would imagine that champagne corks would be popping around the nation if Enron's victims could still afford champagne.

There is no part of me that feels sorry for these two. The destruction of lives that they apparently set in motion makes them very special thugs. Their victims may number in the tens (hundreds?) of thousands and include simple workaday stiffs like you and me who only wanted to save for their retirement and now have nothing.

To me the most distasteful part has been how Skilling and Lay have been making themselves out to be the victims. How they have tried to paint their prosecution as persecution. It sounds a lot like the gang in the White House. They always have someone else to blame for their failures. It's always them who are the victims.

What a pack of despicable scum. And I don't have any more to say about these two.

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