Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Colbert Effect

What is left to say about Stephen Colbert's tour de force at the White House Correspondent's and Stenographer's Association black tie dinner? The outraged Right appears to be so tongue tied that only raspy barking is coming from their pet carriers.

Most of the outrage that I have read about is coming from the Press. A good overview is presented in the Chicago Sun Times (thanks to AmericaBlog for the link) I guess that they are the one with the most to be ashamed of. Bush is just being Bush and his minions are just being good storm troopers, but the press is supposed to be (dare I say it?) fair and balanced. Well, as we all have known since early in the Clinton Administration, they are anything but.

So all in all, I would like to extend my profound gratitude and hearty salutation to Stephen Colbert, for his courageous and ballsy performance (click for video) (thanks to Crooks and Liars for the link to Google Video). I encourage all to watch it.

The Repug spin seems to revolve around it "not being funny." Well, maybe not, but I know that I wasn't looking for "funny" as much as "effective." Let's be real clear, Stephen Colbert stood feet away from George W Bush and proceeded to skewer him and his pack of jackals and their long trail of misdeeds every way but loose. In short, he did what the news media should have been doing all the while, but haven't.

Again, thanks to Stephen Colbert for speaking up for all of us...where it counts and to whom it counts.

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