Thursday, November 11, 2004

Nader asking for recounts

Woohoo...Ralphie is getting into the act, asking for recounts in five states.

Good for him. I doubt that anything will come of it, but I'm really uncomfortable with the anecdotal evidence that I've been hearing. I've also heard some harsh words in the blogosphere about liberals "getting over it" and start working on figuring out how to prevail in 2006 and 2008. I kind of go along with that, but if there was hanky panky (and Rove's MO certainly includes some outrageous hanky panky), then we need to get to the bottom of it. I never felt like the true story of the 2000 election ever saw the light of day and there is still a serious stench about it.

So, I say, Go Ralph! If he can pry loose some of the glue that held whatever scheme came down, then that would certainly prime the pump for further investigation. I was surprised that there were no up-and-coming reporters willing to jump into investigating the 2000 election as a way to make a name for themselves. I guess Bernstein and Woodward had faded from memory by then.

It would definitely be traumatic to the country if fraud were uncovered as Watergate showed. However, if our electoral process has been tampered with, we must find out and the guilty severely punished. If we can't trust our electoral process, our country is headed down the road to a scary and undemocratic future.

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