Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Rich Get Richer...and say, "Screw the Poor!"

This blog posting from a DailyKos diary covers some familiar ground, but the writer's (Brettnet) got some fresh insights which are worth reviewing. He quotes a reporter asking Gore Vidal how it is to live full-time in the United States and Gore replies:
If you care about America it's dreadful," he said. "If you are making money you don't care.

Brettnet describes sitting next to a couple of Republicans on a plane recently and they say that they regard John Edward's "two Americas" meme as divisive because they don't see it. They are completely oblivious to the existence of the poor in this country.

I often see this same attitude among the stolid middle class. But fine friends, watch out. As long as the lower percentiles get their crumbs, they may continue to tolerate this benign and clueless neglect, but if the crumbs stop flowing, watch out. If the Right thinks that it's big and bad right now, it ain't seen nuthin' yet. If the unempowered and the disadvantaged ...ever find themselves in a real corner where food and other basic needs of life become hard to get, their anger is going to grow and then explode and we should all fear for the outcome.

It's one thing for a pack of middle class Right Wing, Limbaugh-Coulter lovers to get pissed off. Besides the fact that only they really know what they are pissed off about, they've got an investment to protect. Most of them have homes, jobs and some wealth and status. If conditions ever deteriorate for the underclasses to the point that rage develops and escalates, they have nothing to lose and the Rodney King riots in South Central LA will be just the foretaste of what kind of violence and anarchy that we might face.

Nature abhors a vacuum. And vacuums come in all shapes, sizes and socio-economic statuses. For examples, study the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, post-World War I Germany and the list goes on.

It ain't pretty, but I see us plunging headlong into the trap in much the same way that we are sublimely and blissfully plunging into a global warming disaster. To quote a very tired cliche, Denial is more than a river in Egypt.

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