Thursday, June 29, 2006

No Time for Faint Hearts

The Karl Rove strategy for the fall elections is now becoming very clear. True to form, Karl has devised a plan that is as breathtaking in its simplicity as it is starkly evil. Since the weakest point in the Bush and Republican armor is Iraq, Karl has clearly decided to run ON IRAQ. What, you say? How can that be?

It's no secret. Already they are shouting campaign mantras at the Democrats, "Cut and run,"Retreat before the mission is done," "wave the white flag of surrender." AmericaBlog has a good write up plus quotes and links. It's worth a look.

I have to ask, where in the hell are the Congressional Democrats? Who's making the case against Bush and Karl? Even if the Democrats in Congress don't have a magic plan to extract us from an impossible situation, why aren't they making the case that Bush and his keystone kronies have proven one thing since the invasion of Iraq: They don't know what the fuck they're doing...period, exclamation point. But all I hear from House and Senate Democrats are meek little denials that even I don't find convincing, let alone compelling.

They need to get on the stick, or Karl and Krew will reign on come November. This latest Supreme Court decision (Hamdan v Rumsfeld) should have brought complete clarity to any remaining doubters. Bush has four solid, reliable SCOTUS votes and one more death or resignation, he's got it all. Nothing will then stand in his way to becoming Emperor George W and then God help the rest of us.

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