Friday, October 29, 2004

Osama to the Rescue?

It looks like Osama bin Laden jumped in to boost George W. Bush's stature once again. Without the catastrophic bin Laden-sponsored events of 9/11/2001, George W would have remained the trivial mediocrity that he certainly was.

He remains a trivial mediocrity to this day, but his hagiographers finally got the material they needed to pump up his stature. Judging by the polls, they have largely succeeded in taking the witless ne'er do well and transforming him into "The Commander-in-Chief." None of this would have been conceivable without Osama's assault on the World Trade Center.

Today the Corporate Media is telling us that Osama's latest video tape is a pre-election Bush support booster. We won't know if that's true until next Tuesday, but how the chickens come home to roost. I think that everyone will admit that OBL's latest shows a whole new side of Osama. He almost apologetically explains his decision to unleash his gang of hijackers. I haven't heard the whole tape yet, but if the rest of it is as weird as the part that I've already heard, then something is definitely new.

Now is that good or bad? I guess that if we get through the next several months/years without significant terrorist incidents, then it's good. However, to date, Osama's tapes have frequently been the prelude to some kind of attack.

So is this tape a signal to embedded cells to initiate an attack? I don't think any of us would put it past him. And with a heretofore wholly evil figure like bin Laden, I don't think that the US or the non-Islamic west would ever think to give him the benefit of any doubts.

The question remains, what will the impact on the Mother of all Elections be? Tune in Tuesday, 2 November for the exciting conclusion, or at least the beginning of the conclusion.

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